The Subtle Manipulation Tactics of Employment Scams

We’ve all likely been inundated with employment scams, offering outrageous promises. As someone who has survived layoffs and experiences a constant anxiety about job security, I fully understand why people might fall for them in an effort to make quick money. These scams are often presented with enticing terms: work whenever you want, remotely, for however long you choose. Good workers are rewarded with ludicrous salaries and bonuses for minimal effort. It’s easy to get excited and dive right in.

Typically, when someone reaches out to me and I’m bored, I’ll troll them for entertainment, thinking that the more time they waste with me, the less time they’ll have to target others. But recently, I became curious about the mechanics of these scams. So, I decided to follow through and see how far it would go and where the scam would reveal itself.
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